Saturday, February 10, 2007

Off the fence

The recent rape and killing of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom in Knoxville have pushed me over the edge. I have been concerned and watchful of "minority' on white crime for sometime but I'm afraid I'll have to get involved now. But how should I get involved? That is the question.

First of all ( like the title indicates) I'm not gonna be holding any candlelight vigils or praying for the victims families. As a matter of fact PRAYERS AND CANDLELIGHT VIGILS ARE THE PROBLEM!!! Has a goddamn candlelight vigil ever accomplished anything other than illuminating the collective weakness of the gathered mass? Unless the candles are road flares and are about about to be shoved up some ass I'd say not. The "prayer and vigil" crowd make me fucking sick. Read any report about the Wichita massacre, the Knoxville case, or any other similar incident and you will be warmed and comforted by follow-ups where some memorial service or vigil was held in the victim's honor. Big hairy fucking deal. Fuck peace, fuck prayers( except those asking for vengence), fuck tears and scholarship funds. Where are the outraged fathers and brothers vowing blood for blood? Nothing but visions and accounts of white people hugging each other and crying. Note to white are perceived as weak and soft and atrocities will continue until you change.

Now I am well indoctrinated into the old schools of thought where "violence doesn't solve anything," and "vengence is mine so sayeth the lord." Bullshit and bullshit. Understand I don't advocate going on a shooting rampage of "minorities" or anything of the sort in retribution, but at least storm a jail and hang somebody who's responsible for fuck's sake. Anybody heard of the Duke rape case? Remember all those functionally illiterate and terribly fearsome New Black Panther Party members demanding justice for a sleazy stripper? Why don't whites express similar sentiment? Somebody is afraid of being called a racist I think, and whitey that somebody is us. Something's amiss when a young white couple get carjacked, tortured, raped (both of them), and brutally murdered and nothing happens in its wake.

What is up here? Is it that there is sense that we as whites have it coming for the consequences of slavery and Jim Crow or what? I ain't feelin' it. No guilt here, not anymore anyway. My public school brainwashing has worn off. To hell with white guilt and those that perpetuate it and to hell with that segment of black Americans who feel like something is owed and furthermore fuck all of you collectively and personally. I'm ready to go Israelie on somebody's ass.